Michele Poggi

I was born in Parma in 1969. I have been living for over 15 years in the United States, Canada, Britain, Asia and the Middle East, urged on by my passion for chemistry which became my profession.

I deal with engineering in a large company but am constantly committed to the pursuit of the largest fish inhabiting the rivers of the planet. My origins, which have brought me back to live on the River Po, and the time passed abroad for professional purposes which has allowed me to discover the great rivers of other continents, have given me the opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge of a wide variety of fishing techniques and to mature a unique experience in the quest for these huge fish.

My website stems from the desire to refine and share the emotions felt during fishing trips, when Nature alone rules supreme. The aim is to continue to generate emotions and not to shatter the dream that every fisherman treasures while awaiting the catch of his life.

The magic, the adrenaline, the effort – which are not always evident from the photos – remain eternally in the mind of those who have experienced them.”

The achievement of this ultimate goal – the catching of the Big Fish – is often the result of interminable fishing sessions. And because these long waits are no guarantee of record catches, this time has become a luxury and fishing has become a luxury of life.


“Whoever says something is impossible should not disturb those that are working on it.” (Albert Einstein)